
Conversation en français ?

Vous avez appris le français à l'école et vous souhaiter l'entretenir ?... une langue vivante a besoin d'être utilisée pour ne pas être oubliée. Je vous propose des rencontres à votre rythme où nous pourrons discuter, autour de thèmes qui vous intéressent.


My rates

$25 for one hour of tutoring

Travelling to France ?

When you go on your holiday to travel to France, knowing a little bit of French will be useful to find your way around. Showing you can speak a few words of French will open many doors. You will learn enough to deal with everyday situation and you can expect to start speaking French from the first lesson.
You will learn:
Greetings and how to introduce yourself
how to ask for help and directions
how to find your way around transport
How to book at a restaurant or a hotel room, order a meal, a drink , ask for the bill
Knowing numbers, days, time will be quite useful as well
If time allows, find out a little about France, get some tips for your trip


Where should we meet ?

We will try to do what is the most convenient for you.
-it can be at my place, I live in Comox close to Noel and Torrence
-at your place, if you live in the Comox Valley
-at a library